move | change | connect



Entrepreneurs, Managing Directors, or Executives benefit from my sales expertise.

Business gets back on track with me developing new business models or successful sales strategies tailored to your needs and achieving a successful turnaround.

I am an Interim Manager, Most Trusted Adviser for family businesses, Transformation and Turnaround Manager (IFuS), multiple Springer author, and I am happy to share my experience with you and your team. My success is your success: more inquiries, efficiency gains and a better customer experience.

Springer Author Ralf H. Komor - Interim Sales Manager

Tools, tips and tricks: As an implementation-oriented Interim Manager, I help you optimize your sales organization and digitize your sales processes.

Move with sales professional Ralf H. Komor


I am a strategist, an innovator, an unconventional thinker, a mover and shaker and therefore I do the right things sooner and better.

Change with Interim Sales Manager


As a sales expert, I know every situation from field tested experience.

Connect - Ralf H. Komor


As a “down-to-earth” salesman, I connect with all the people in your company.

Captain - Interim Sales Manager

My mission to your success:

  • Forming and executing custom-fit sales strategies
  • Specialist for CX – Customer Experience Optimization
  • METASALES: bringing VR – Virtual reality – to B2B Sales
  • Delivering turnaround projects
  • Planning and implementing digital transformation strategies
  • Winning new customers: New Business / New Market
  • Individual Sales Coaching
  • Customer-Co-Creation Workshops
  • Orchestrating cross-functional teams
  • Developing customer relationships at the executive level

“Interim Management is the future of outsourcing:

Intellectual capital on-demand.”

(Peter F. Drucker)

Komor interim pic


I got to know Ralf Komor as a member of our project “Massive-Scale Testing”. He is a true “T-shaped person” with a large pool of strategic know-how. As a generalist, he has the ability to contribute to many different topics. At the same time, he goes into the details with specialists to find solutions or to provide the team with the necessary know-how. 
Mr. Komor is always alert, he has a good sense of the priorities and is very responsive – answers and decisions come quickly and straightforward. Ralf Komor is curious and very interested in innovative solutions and new technologies. The cooperation in the team was both positive and professional – he always focuses on the overall, common goal.

Ralf Komor, the Sales Captain, an old sea dog with a lot of experience, brought our B2B sales up to speed.

With great skill and strategic vision, he redefined the sales landscape of SUSS MicroOptics SA as interim VP Sales. Under his leadership, our consulting-intensive and customized optics sales teams from the U.S. to Europe and Asia worked in sync and more efficiently than ever before.

Ralf has a proven track record of success: He successfully overhauled our sales processes. He took our customer relationships to a new level through targeted key account management. Ralf’s leadership has not only helped us to become more efficient in selling.

He also significantly strengthened our sales organization by establishing regular meetings and best practice workshops.

Through his initiatives to optimize our processes, Ralf Komor was able to significantly increase the efficiency of our quotation process. This has led to a considerable improvement in the positioning of our company in the market.

I value Ralf Komor as a leader and am convinced that his strategic thinking and innovative spirit will enrich any forward-looking company.

We have worked together with Mister Komor in the course of the acquisition for an mandate as interim Managing Director in an MDAX Group. Mister Komor was able to delight the customer with its excellent personal appearance and the technically precise discussions. Mister Komor convinces with his hands-on mentality and his direct way of communicating with the client, employees and other board members.
He understands, in particular, to convince people he is working with of new ideas and approaches and to take them along on this path. I am really looking forward to working together in the current and future common mandates.

In his capacity as Director Business Development at Waldner Laboreinrichtungen, Ralf Komor has had a tremendous positive impact on building sustainable business relationship into our organizations.

In close partnership with Ralf, we have had numerous opportunities to drive joint projects successfully over the past three years. Beyond business operations, these include events such as presentations at Autodesk University, joint podcasts or participation as panelist at our Design & Manufacturing Recovery Summit 2020, to name just a few.

We have recognized Ralf as smart, accountable and impactful person who always thinks one step ahead without losing sight of focus. For his engagements to come we wish Ralf all the best and would be pleased if our paths cross again.

The first 10 minutes: Problem identified.
An hour later: goal set.
One session later: solution developed.
Ralf Komor was the absolute best sparring partner for me in terms of sales. In a very very short time, he opened my eyes to look where it was not absolutely pleasant but definitely necessary.
In addition to his extensive experience from various industries and company sizes, Ralf Komor convinced me above all as a person. He is an authentic and honest professional. He understands that sales do not begin and end with “persuading” but with “listening”. And in between, there is work to be done – on all sides: Employees, management, and for the interim manager.

Mister Komor lives for sales. This is true both vis-à-vis our customers, irrespective of their size, industry or nationality, and the management or sales team, but also as a role model for young, junior employees. Mister Komor demonstrates professionality in sales and communicates clearly and specifically. To Mister Komor, sales means active communication with and integration of other departments of the company in order to reach the objectives together and to be able to provide the customer with the best possible support. Our company was able to generate record sales under Mister Komor’s sales management.

Mister Komor impressively demonstrated to us and to our staff the importance of well-founded sales experience in a national and international environment. In only a short period of time, he identified the most significant market-specific topics, structured them and developed a new strategy. That way, we managed to access new customer groups and develop new markets and to acquire regular customers. Putting our confidence in an experienced salesman with such an impressive industrial track record really paid off.

When I was Director at Atreus in Munich, we were looking for an interim manager for our client, an interim manager who knows about the significance of sales means in a medium-sized industrial company and who has mastered comparable tasks many times before. He had to create order, come up with a new strategy quickly and implement it according to the goals – from restructuring to positioning to developing new key accounts. Mister Komor was our first choice – the perfect candidate both for me and for our customer! Proof for the outstanding success is the detailed report on the project in Harvard Business manager, which we, as Atreus, were able to publish there.

As the Global Key Account Manager for Medical & Life Sciences at SUSS MicroOptics SA, I had the good fortune to work closely with the Vice President of Sales then, Ralf Komor.

He played a key role in the company’s success by strategically realigning global sales and introducing clear objectives.

Under his leadership, clear processes were established. Sales efficiency was significantly increased. Our team was inspired by Ralf’s in-depth knowledge of sales and his ability to translate visions into concrete strategies.

There is no doubt that anyone who has the opportunity to work with Ralf is a fortunate person. Not only will they have the chance to benefit from his decades of experience, but they will also have the chance to learn from a true sales heavyweight and mentor up close and personal.

We hosted Mr. Komor as an alumnus of the Department for Industrial Engineering and profiled B2B sales specialist for a fireside chat at the university. The evening was for my colleagues and me, very informative, technically substantial, but also entertaining. Mr. Komor has passionately presented the content, conveying the image that he does what he does very professionally. Well, I can say that this was one of the most impressive fireside chats in recent years.

Mr Komor is truly a B2B sales professional!

His ability to understand, analyze and optimize complex technical interrelationships in the shortest possible time is what makes him stand out. With his extremely pleasant, calm and communicative manner, he succeeds masterfully in winning over employees and managers for his ideas and new approaches and awakens promising potential in the companies. Mr. Komor has helped our start-up company to establish our market position and successfully develop new markets. Thanks to his creative-constructive input and his talent for networking, global corporations have been among our satisfied customers ever since.

Mr Komor – thank you very much for the very pleasant, trustworthy and above all successful cooperation!

In the six months that Mister Komor was Managing Director, our sales team has learned a great deal. He coached us individually, gave up the wrong things, improved the right things and introduced new things, like accurate sales controlling and targeted market segmentation. Also in the field of inbound marketing, we had a significant increase in lead generation and thus got much more attractive project inquiries.

From start on, Mister Komor has brought very professional order and clear structures into the sales organization. Based on his comprehensive, intensive analysis and the pragmatic approach the team was able to begin the implementation quickly while him still coaching them. Particularly the elaboration of precise value arguments help us to position our products and systems to enter new markets and to increase penetration in existing markets. Thus, he laid the foundations for our future success. His action plan clearly describes our tasks and priorities for the next year and a half.

Based on his expertise, Mister Komor provided us with clear instructions and recommendations for the optimisation of our market position, our distribution and sales channels and our export business through an intense exchange. This was very valuable to us, a medium-sized family business, as our company does not dispose of sufficient resources to do it alone. That way we were able to broaden our horizons and think outside the box. The impetuses we received in the workshop with Ralf Komor really helped us move on.

Ralf Komor has a very good reputation with us. He is both a strategist and a doer, he tackles what is necessary, develops feasible solutions and achieves excellent sustainable results unexpectedly quickly. His way of thinking and his ability to swap ideas with colleagues on every level promote innovations and therefore long-term success.

Mister Komor has always been open to his sales team – field and backoffice – and was from the first day on very interested in our opinion and suggestions for improvement and integrated our issues into his implementation plan. He exudes calm and works concentrated on the many daily tasks. Our customers – national and international – appreciated him after a short time as a competent partner. His learning packages from the sales meetings were very helpful for my personal development. In addition, he systematically accompanied the transfer of our company into a new joint venture.

During my bachelor thesis on the development of new digital business models, I got to know Mister Komor as a leader on the ravages of time. The three-month work, which was supervised by him, gave me an excellent chance to personally develop myself and at the same time make a valuable contribution to the company.
Through his trust, I was able to take responsibility right from the start. Nevertheless, he also gave me the necessary framework by keeping the focus on the result. Mr. Komor has made the job easier for me by always giving me access to the necessary resources. He also had an open ear in case of difficulties and was always supportive, as well as a door opener to market professionals. New and creative ideas, for which Mister Komor has always been open, have emerged, in particular through mutual exchange.
Overall, I will, therefore, remember the joint work as a formative time. On the one hand, working with him was a lot of fun, and on the other, I made a big step forward on my professional career path.

Mr. Komor was invited to participate in the event “BIM in the manufacturing industry – vision, practice, impulses” as guest speaker and discussant for the panel discussion at the Franke Group in Aarburg (Switzerland).
His practice-oriented lecture “BIM as a basis for process optimization and new business models” captivated the audience. The lively presentation style “brought a lot of energy into the room” and offered our customers a real benefit.
Autodesk is looking forward to further cooperation with Mr. Komor.