Tag Archive for: Innovation


Dive into a detailed comparison of two innovation giants: Paul Cook and Clayton Christensen. Understand the nuances of incremental versus disruptive innovation and how these approaches can guide modern business strategies. Discover insights to refine your innovation efforts.

Agile Customer Co-Creation: The customer as innovator

Agile Customer Co-Creation: The customer as innovator. The pressure to innovate is increasing, innovation cycles are becoming shorter. Anyone who wants to stand out from the competition and successfully establish products on the market in today’s world must (even) more strongly focus on the needs of the customer. An agile customer co-creation solves this problem and offers companies numerous advantages.

Inside Drucker’s Brain

Peter F. Drucker is a role model to me.
His ideas and thoughts are the blueprint for all other management books. I often say: “You don’t have to have read more than a Drucker”.
Drucker embodies the true essence of management. Drucker lived a life based on embracing tomorrow and giving up yesterday. In the process, he discovered an important paradox: in order to build something, you have to tear it down. Drucker had no problem tearing things down, giving up what didn’t work and leaving behind what no longer mattered. He could achieve so much that way.
In principle, this is also what interim management is all about and this is also reflected in my claim: MOVE | CHANGE | CONNECT

Tips for the new sales managers on the first visit to customers

Tips for new sales managers on how to prepare the initial visit to existing customers and how to strengthen and expand the relationship resiliently

DIGITAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE // Changing customer experience: 5 challenges for companies

Whether Big Data, Machine Learning or the Internet of Things (IoT): Technological progress and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are changing everything – including how customers experience companies and make purchasing decisions. What challenges do companies have to overcome to remain competitive in the future?
I will introduce you to the five most important trends and challenges of digital customer experiences – DIGITAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

Disruptive Innovation: “Many have misunderstood the concept”

“Disruptive” and “innovation” – the two terms are often mentioned in the same breath, but they are also misunderstood and misused. Harvard professor Clayton Christensen is considered the inventor of the Theory of Disruptive Innovation. He is astonished that his theory is applied to all kinds of things. Neither Uber, nor Tesla, nor Airbnb are considered to be disruptive innovators.