Tag Archive for: Globalisation


A recent study reveals the biggest challenges and priorities in sales in 2021, with responses from 423 sales directors, CSOs and CEOs identifying the biggest challenges and their main sales priorities for 2021.

Inside Drucker’s Brain

Peter F. Drucker is a role model to me.
His ideas and thoughts are the blueprint for all other management books. I often say: “You don’t have to have read more than a Drucker”.
Drucker embodies the true essence of management. Drucker lived a life based on embracing tomorrow and giving up yesterday. In the process, he discovered an important paradox: in order to build something, you have to tear it down. Drucker had no problem tearing things down, giving up what didn’t work and leaving behind what no longer mattered. He could achieve so much that way.
In principle, this is also what interim management is all about and this is also reflected in my claim: MOVE | CHANGE | CONNECT

Tips for the new sales managers on the first visit to customers

Tips for new sales managers on how to prepare the initial visit to existing customers and how to strengthen and expand the relationship resiliently

Autodesk Global Design and Manufacturing Recovery Summit 2020

I am very honored to have been invited to this year’s event as a panelist to talk about new business models that may emerge from the Corona pandemic.

Autodesk University Germany 2019: BIM as the basis for process optimisation and new business models

Autodesk University Germany is the conference for those who design and shape the world around us. On October 15 and 16, 2019, users, decision-makers and partners from the fields of mechanics and mechanical engineering, construction, and digital media and entertainment will meet at Autodesk University Germany in Darmstadt. At the invitation of Autodesk, Ralf H. KOMOR will give the lecture “BIM as a basis for process optimieation and new business models”.

BIM and Digitalisation – Relevance for the manufacturing industry?

The increasing global importance of BIM – Building Information Modeling – and the resulting pressure for change for the entire value chain is no longer only omnipresent in the construction industry. Customer markets are changing as a result of the BIM methodology, and as a result, building suppliers, factory planners and planners of industrial plants must act. At the invitation of Autodesk GmbH, Ralf H. KOMOR discussed this topic at the event on 26 November 2018 at the BIM World in Munich.

The DDIM Specialist Group Sales & Marketing

Ralf H. KOMOR in an interview with Inés Carrasco, DDIM about the DDIM Sales & Marketing department. It was founded at the DDIM Congress in 2015 and with 10 Interim Managers is one of the larger specialist groups. The meetings take place three to four times a year with external guests and specialist presentations e.g. Sinus Milieus in B2B and Business Information Intelligence as a supplement to CRM.

Interim Management in Sales

“Global, agile, digital” is not only the motto of this year’s DDIM Congress, it also applies in particular to the Interim Managers from the sales department.
The ten expert groups of the Dachgesellschaft Deutsches Interim Management e.V. (DDIM) also includes the Sales and Marketing expert group. Ralf Komor, sales expert at Senior Executive/Director level and long-standing Interim Manager in this field, is head of the group. In times of digital change and changing market structures, he and his professional colleagues have particularly important tasks.