Artificial Intelligence and Human Experience

The practical added value of digitalisation.

Secure competitive advantages through the systematics of the CCX-Matrix.

Ralf Komor Chefsache Interim Management Buch Springer

I will moderate the keynote speech of my colleague Uwe Brüggemann followed by a workshop at the DDIM.congress in Düsseldorf on Saturday, 09 November 2019 at 11:30 am.

The practical added value of digitalisation.

Secure competitive advantages through the systematics of the CCX-Matrix.

In the keynote, the essentials from the book “Digital Transformation Excellence” will be presented: making the dominance of digitalisation understandable on the basis of the 22 prototypes, the customer and company perspective on the basis of the CCX matrix, the four archetypes: Profitburner, Champion, Eta, Zombie, vivid practical examples to ensure competitiveness: the 2 perspectives increase customer benefit and increase efficiency, this is how I use the insights for my next mandates and in the acquisition of mandates.

In the workshop, a CCX matrix will be developed on a practical example: Importance of the prototypes of digital dominance – how can they be applied? Development on the basis of a selected practical example.

We provide answers to important business questions:

  • How can companies meet the challenges of digital transformation?
  • What exactly is behind the term digitalisation?
  • What effects does digitalisation have on a company and its business model?

Target Group

The keynote and the workshop are aimed at Interim Managers who deal with digital transformation in their mandates, who are active in the areas of corporate management, strategy, business development and sales, and those interested in understanding the connection between corporate success and digital transformation.